Saturday, October 5, 2024

VA RFI: OCC VA Patient Engagement Platform

Notice ID: 36C10X23Q0184


OCC is seeking a comprehensive VA Patient Engagement Platform solution that will integrate current and future patient-centered capabilities in a coherent and personalized patient engagement experience, leveraging advances in machine learning to contextualize data from disparate sources and deliver personalized, custom user experiences based on a patient’s activity and available data across the spectrum of virtual and in-person interactions. VA envisions that any future development, configuration, and implementation of this platform could be a multi-year endeavor, with an initial minimal viable product that will be frequently enhanced to be fully responsive to user feedback. Note: Veterans currently possess the capability to electronically access different sites to their healthcare in areas such as: requesting appointments, managing medications, messaging with their health care teams, and accessing their electronic health records.

DESIRED FEATURES for VA PATIENT ENGAGEMENT PLATFORM Respondents shall provide details on a proposed solution or solution approach and implementation plan to support up to 9,000,000 Veterans enrolled in VA Health Care The proposed solution should include a web application and mobile versions as well as API support for other interfaces. Where a mobile client is proposed, both iOS and Android must be supported for identical capabilities. Respondents shall provide schedule information on how they would design or customize/configure and implement the proposed solution, and specific cost information associated with integration and deployment. At minimum, please provide specific information by explaining your solution and approach regarding the below listed requirements: a. Interface with databases (Mongo, SQL, Oracle, VA legacy systems, VA electronic health records systems, social determinants of health, etc.) b. Leverage literature reviews and representative user research to enable a highly engaging, personalized experience c. Include advanced analytics and potentially AI to offer the Veteran user nudges and next-best actions.

Read more here.


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