he Department of Veterans Affairs, Network Contracting Office 9, intends to award a sole-source, contract to Acustaf Development Corp, 7601 France Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55435 for the Lexington VA Health Care System, 1101 Veterans Drive, Lexington, KY 40502.
Provide ongoing use and maintenance of ACUSTAF Scheduling Software Service. ACUSTAF software used for scheduling and staffing processes; provides decision support for staff assignments based on the objective and variable data supposed to the best estimates; improves patient care by matching staff competency to required needs. ACUSTAF software shall provide self-scheduling options to staff and data for outcome measurements and staffing methodology.
ACUSTAF will pull data from Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA); Decision Support System (DSS); VA Nursing Outcomes Database (VANOD); and Office of Nursing Service (ONS) to create strategic plans based on retrievable and accurate data. The system shall accommodate today s increasing staffing challenges by using 21st century technology.