Wednesday, February 19, 2025

FDA RFP: Technology Management System

Contract Opportunity

Notice ID



The FDA Technology Transfer Program (FDATTP) requires a cloud-based, enterprise-wide system to track all intellectual property (IP), technology transfer agreements and to provide reports and metrics to FDA, Health and Human Services (HHS) and Congress. The system shall be comprised of relationally linked intellectual property docketing software system, relational databases, document repository and workflow tools. Patent docketing is a key component of the system and one of the most crucial functions within Technology Transfer. The system also provides tools for data capture, reporting, document generation, and establishing workflows. The system shall have an alert/notification feature to ensure that deadlines are met to maintain and protect FDA intellectual property. Missing deadlines can result in loss of the ability to obtain a patent and consequently, the loss of government property. The system shall assist TTP personnel with agreements, marketing, and licensing of FDA inventions. The system shall link all data about a particular invention or technology together so that managers and cross-functional teams will have access to data across multiple technological fields, potentially enhancing the ability to identify gaps in technology or IP rights for their programs.

Functional Requirements: The vendor shall have extensive knowledge and experience with implementing and configuring software to incorporate FDATTP workflows. The vendor shall migrate all data and documents from current knowledge management system and obtain acceptance from FDA personnel prior to go live. The Vendor must deploy a system that satisfies all functional requirements within six (6) months of award. If the proposed software does not meet all requirements out of the box, then offerors must provide a plan for configuration of the software that will meet this deadline. The Contractor shall furnish necessary services including access, training, and trouble shoot as stated herein: General Interface • Compatible with FDA computer infrastructure including but not limited to SSO (Single-Sign On), Microsoft OneDrive, security protocols, and email • Customizable user dashboards to allow different users, such as inventors, Intellectual Property Mangers (IPM), administrators, marketing, supervisors to quickly see information pertinent to them • Non-proprietor data file format or the capability to easily exported date into a common file format that can be accessed by other software (MS Excel, MS Access, PDFs, etc)…

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