Saturday, July 27, 2024

Federal News Network: House shows love for some IT modernization funds, but not all of them

House lawmakers, however, didn’t strongly support the Technology Modernization Fund, providing it with $100 million, which is $200 million less than the Biden administration requested. Congress zeroed out the TMF in 2022, given it has $700 million left in the bank from the $1 billion it received in the American Rescue Plan Act.

“The committee encourages GSA and the TMF Board to prioritize and fund those projects that have the most significant impact on mission enhancement and that most effectively modernize citizen-facing services, including updating public facing websites, modernizing forms, and digitizing government processes,” the report stated. “GSA’s TMF is potentially a key source of supplementary funding to help agencies overcome budgetary constraints to support zero trust architecture migration, fulfill information technology modernization projects, and address other urgent cybersecurity needs.”…

Under the ITOR fund, OMB would receive a total of $13.7 million, which is up from $8 million in 2022.

The U.S. Digital Service is among the biggest beneficiaries of ITOR funding, using it to “bring together the best engineering, design and government talent to change the approach to technology by deploying small and responsive teams for critical projects, which is also key to driving adoption and advancement of modern IT across agencies,” the June 2022 IT Operations Plan stated…

Read the full article here.


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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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