Friday, July 26, 2024

FedHealthIT Winter Magazine: The Articles

Here we spotlight the articles that were featured in this year's FedHealthIT Winter Magazine. Our thanks to our contributors...

Customer Experience Taking Priority at Veterans Affairs and Across Government

This interview with Barbara C. Morton, Deputy Chief Veterans Experience Officer, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) discusses the value...

M&A: Solutions and Contracts A One-Two Punch

As in the private sector, the lines between product, solution, and service continue to blur within the Federal Government...

What’s in Store for Best-in-Class Contracting for the Federal Health IT Community, and What Does it...

In 2019, I wrote an article titled, “The Evolution of Federal Health IT Contract Vehicles and How to Stay...

The DevSecOps Journey at VA

This interview with Todd Simpson, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for DevSecOps at Veterans Affairs (VA), discusses DevSecOps at VA,...

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