Notice ID: 36C26224Q0407
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has an integrated, enterprise Point of Service (POS) software solution to support patient administration and processing. The POS solution is made up of hardware and software components geared towards enhancing the Veteran experience and their relationship with VHA, as well as improving workplace efficiency. Currently the system used is operating with VetLink hardware and VetLink proprietary software provided by VECNA Technologies, Inc., within the platform, which has a patient-facing User Interface (UI), a staff-facing UI, and a provider-facing UI. Many facilities/clinics possess kiosks which give Veterans, clinicians and administrative staff the ability to more efficiently manage information critical to the continued delivery of services.
The scope of work covers software sustainment services for existing VetLink server(s) (Test & Production) and applicable queuing workflow(s). VetLink servers control the VetLink hardware modalities (e.g., kiosks, queuing displays). Currently fielded kiosks must continue to function as they do provided that the hardware is operational and/or under local extended warranty services with the vendor or is covered within the contractor’s maintenance scope of work within this contract or a separate contract. The Contractor shall provide system administration support to include software sustainment services and server administration. The Contractor shall provide information assurance support to include information system authorization, testing, and continuous monitoring. The Contractor shall perform services from its location(s) but may be required to provide on-site services such as consultation, training, and activation activities…