Notice ID: NIMH_24-000030
Research data collected from human research participants may include video and audio data sets. These recordings might be longitudinal or cross-sectional. Because video and audio recordings often contain faces or capture other sensitive information such as geospatial location, sharing such data poses both technical and policy-related challenges. As a result, offerors are expected to demonstrate prior experience in the management and ethical sharing of sensitive and identifiable video and audio data sets.
The NIH’s data management and sharing policy, NOT-OD-21-013, applies to all NIH research, funded or conducted in whole or in part by NIH, that results in the generation of scientific data, including video and audio data. The objective of this acquisition is to provide support to an existing informatics infrastructure to hold video and audio data sets from human research participants of interest to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). NIMH will select the data sets to be deposited into the infrastructure. Each year, NIMH can identify up to 10 new data sets to be deposited as the data become available. NIMH expects to identify 5-10 new data sets in a typical year.
Purpose and Objectives:
The overarching goal of this acquisition is to provide support to use an existing informatics infrastructure to store video and/or audio data sets collected from human research participants. The infrastructure must also allow researchers to use the deposited data (either the raw data or derived) in a way that is consistent with the expectations of those who deposited the data into the infrastructure. The contractor will also provide a help desk that can answer questions and provide support to both data depositors and data requesters.