- Directs, assigns work, and oversees work assignments within the staff framework.
- Develops performance standards and evaluations.
- Evaluates work performance of subordinates and develops performance appraisals.
- Recommends awards or bonuses for subordinate staff employees.
- Effects minor disciplinary measures, such as warnings and reprimands, and recommends other action in more serious cases.
- Hears and resolves grievances of subordinate employees.
- Plans staff workload on a weekly and monthly basis and develop projections for future quarters and project years.
- Adjusts staffing levels or work procedures to accommodate resource allocations made by the Supervisor and/or Executive level Directors.
- Ensures efficient use of assigned staff.
- Ensures effective communications and timely distribution of information pertinent to affected programs, employees’ internal personnel and administrative actions, to include salary and pay-related and time keeping actions.
Read the full job description here.