Tuesday, March 25, 2025

VBA seeking Data Chief, Medical Disability Examination Office


This position is in Veteran’s Benefits Administration (VBA), Medical Disability Exams (MDE) program office. The Data Chief is directly responsible for management of MDE data analytics and data evaluation and analysis. He or she is responsible for reporting operational data and analyzes performance data to provide the Assistant Director, Executive Director, and Deputy Executive Director for MDEO with situational awareness to optimize operating and business activities.


  • Provides technical and administrative supervision to subordinate staff members and oversees the daily operation of the unit, ensures agency policies and priorities are being followed; develops performance standards; and evaluates work performance of subordinates.
  • Interviews candidates for positions in the unit; recommends appointments, promotions, and reassignments to unit positions; identifies and provides for training needs; and finds ways to improve production or increase the quality of work within the area of authority.
  • Gathers, analyzes, and organizes narrative and statistical information using generally advanced methods, techniques, and precedents requiring considerable adaptation and/or interpretation for application to MDE functions. Reviews and reconciles large amounts of data.
  • Applies analytical and evaluative methods and techniques to issues or studies concerning substantive program functions. Interprets findings resulting from studies that are independently developed. Completes analyses of data and identifies significant findings. Analyzes and evaluates on a quantitative or qualitative bases, the effectiveness of operations in meeting established goals and objectives.
  • Utilizes statistical and scientific methods to analyze qualitative and quantitative data for the purpose of design optimization, trend modeling, time-series forecasting, and quality assessment.
  • Works with VBA Performance Analysis and Integrity (PA&I), prepares necessary documentation for VA and Congressional submissions and monthly reports which includes performance goals which are tied into program effectiveness…

Read the full job description here.



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