Sunday, March 16, 2025

HHS IHS RFQ: CHR Communication Support Contract

Notice ID: 75H704-23-Q-0071


The IHS CHR program, located within the IHS Division of Clinical and Community Services (DCCS), seeks a contractor to work in close collaboration on the development of communications product activities.

The purpose of this contract is to improve awareness of IHS CHR program, services, and supports and develop core communication products and dissemination methods that support CHR ongoing activities.

3.2 Scope of Work

The contractor shall provide the personnel and services to perform the below tasks.

Task 1: Web

1.1. Plan, redesign, and develop content (text and graphics) for federally compliant IHS CHR Program webpages to be incorporated into the IHS website that will be seen as an attractive and accessible source for:

1.1. Information and resources for Tribal, Federal, and Urban CHR programs, health programs and IHS staff who are working to provide community-based health services, health education, health promotion and outreach for American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities, including but not limited to:

1.1.1. Links to federal, Tribal organization, and non-profit resources (as IHS guidelines allow) to support program development, training announcements, CHW resources, and funding opportunities.

1.1.2. Emerging tools, resources, and presentations from the IHS CHR program and CHR Area

Program best practices, spotlights.

Task 2: Cohesive Package of Digital Information Products

  1. Develop a weekly e-news template and layout designed using IHS federally approved commercially available software to be disseminated via the current IHS CHR list-serv forum…

Read more here.



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