Saturday, December 28, 2024

VA RFQ: VHA WMC HRD Training Delivery Platform

Notice ID: 36C77623Q0441


The VA supports a culture of education and training. HRD has fostered this culture for the VA HR workforce since 2010. The transfer of newly trained skills to the worksite is a critical component of the program and has proven most beneficial. Linking learning to worksite performance requires a high degree of learner-instructor interactivity during the learning process. Web-based (E-Learning) content offers an environment where interactivity among participants, facilitators and content experts is available.

HRD requires a VLE for instructors to have several capabilities: dedicated course room(s) and modules, learning-lab capability such as module design for lengthy (months-long) courses, the ability to schedule as many new sessions as they want simultaneously, and a seamless availability on a variety of devices. HRD requires the capacity and capability to run multiple cohorts of content simultaneously over long periods of time, much like college semesters are designed, if not longer. This flexibility allows the instructor(s) to be agile enough to meet the needs of the learners, provide maximum experience-based and didactic learning and accurately assess learners to ensure appropriate placement in permanent positions where indicated. The training delivery platform will further support succession planning and Government HR personnel development efforts, provide a dynamic means of transferring corporate knowledge, and at the same time, determine the funding, resources, and support services required for the delivery of employee development programs using a virtual, interactive learning environment. Program participants shall have 24/7, 365 days a year internet access to the training platform that houses the training material/curriculum content while allowing for engagement in a selfpaced manner, communication with faculty, and collaboration with peers. This shall include the ability to call up just-in-time job aids when executing project assignments. Content grading, assessing knowledge checks, and learner tracking for any course or module is required.

Read more here.



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