Monday, December 23, 2024

T4NG2 RFP Update: Solicitation changes

Notice ID: 36C10B23R0011


Transformation Twenty-One Total Technology Next Generation 2 —36C10B23R0011 — Amendment 4 — May 25, 2023 — The purpose of this posting is to amend the solicitation to primarily make the following changes:

(1) Correct a clerical error in Section L.10.2, Table, L.13.3;

(2) Further define the qualifications for reserve awards identified in L.12.1.1 and the evaluation process in M.1.1;

(3) Specify that in order to qualify for reserve awards, in the event the Offeror is a SDVOSB Joint Venture as defined by 13 CFR 128.402 it must include a narrative for all partners not providing a REP discussing the work done and qualifications held related to the type of work associated with this solicitation;

(4) For purposes of the reserve awards, clarify that point values for REPs from a Protege within a Mentor Protege Joint Venture also apply to VetCert certified SDVOSB joint venture partners within non-Mentor Protege Joint Ventures (identified as Joint Venture Scoring ); and

(5) Revise the T4NG2 Self Scoring Worksheet (Attachment 015) consistent with the updated scoring methodology. As a result of this amendment, there are only changes to the solicitation itself and the T4NG2 Self-Scoring Worksheet (Attachment 015). Offerors are not required to resubmit proposals unless changes were made as a result of this amendment. Proposal revisions are not restricted to solely the areas addressed within this amendment, nor to areas addressed in previous amendments. However, all Offerors shall submit a SF33 acknowledging all amendments not previously acknowledged. As part of the SF33, Offerors shall indicate whether there are changes to the proposal and, if there are any changes, indicate which files are being changed and clearly identify all changes within each file (i.e., in tracked changes). A continuation page to the SF33 may be added to indicate the files that are being changed.

Read more here.


T4NG2 RFP Update: Latest Q&A posted and Proposal Date Revised – Forum Insights (



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