Thursday, September 19, 2024

FDA Sources Sought: CFSAN IT System Lifecycle Development and Management Support Services

Notice ID:FDA-SSN-115642


The purpose of the FDA’s CFSAN IT System Lifecycle Development and Management Support Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) is to issue individual BPA CALLs to meet the FDA CFSAN IT system environment, business objectives, constraints, applicable scope and task areas and acquire the full range of technical and management services necessary to develop, maintain and enhance existing and to-be determined CFSAN systems in support of all programs administered by CFSA…

The Contractor shall work within established FDA guidelines and standards. All software activities shall be in accordance with FDA’s Enterprise Performance Life Cycle (EPLC) policies, processes, and templates, which include both waterfall and agile methodologies. An explanation of the FDA’s implementation of the EPLC can be found in BPA Appendix B – EPLC Methodologies. The BPA is divided into the following (9) task areas:

Task #1 – Project Management

Task #2 – Architecture Support Services

Task #3 – Development, Modernization, and Major Enhancement

Task #4 – Systems Integration and Engineering Services

Task #5 – Data Migration and Management Support

Task #6 – Operations and Maintenance (O&M) and Support Services

ask #7 – System and Data Disposition

Task #8 – Training Support

Task #9 – Transition Activities…

Read more here.



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