Notice ID: PANMRA-22-P-000-003282
“Scope: To conduct data analysis to assist in the MOMRP-funded project on designing an objective screening tool to identify early comorbidities associated with Acute Stress Response (ASR) /Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).”
“Objectives: To aid in data analysis for the development of a screening tool to identify biomarkers leading to PTSD or ASR; This will develop include apply novel statistical and machine learning methods for integrating a diverse set of pathway-based molecular markers and classify pre-specified and data-driven clinical subtypes/biotypes as identified from systems Biology PTSD biomarker using Veterans cohort. The team will provide methods to accurately classify and validate these subtypes/biotypes based on a shortlisted marker analysis discovered Veterans cohort. The current data analysis will focus on data from active duty cohort collected at pre/postdeployment time points. This will improve in identification of specific subtype/biotype, treatment options or efficacy and identify therapies most likely to be beneficial.”
“Specific Tasks/Requirements
- 2.1. Analyze data from ~1,800 participants in the Fort Campbell Cohort (FCC) to reconcile the difference of psychological measurements (CAPS vs PCL) between the Veterans Cohort (VC) and FCC, and establish a consistent definition of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) case/subthreshold and confidence scores and to determine a system to score/label pre-existing comorbidities.
- 2.2. AI/ML systems engineering analyses of specific molecular datasets based on the findings from Task 6.2.1. Provide data on the analyses for the following molecular series listed on the table below that focus on the following five (5) critical groups using DNA-methylation (DNA-M) and RNA total sequencing (RNAseq) (Deliverable 3)…”