Notice ID: 220377
Contract Award Number: GS-35F-0471U
Task/Delivery Order Number: 75FCMC22F0029
“The HITECH National Level Repository (NLR) Design & Development (D&D) Task Order was competed under CIO SP3 Small Business utilizing FAR 16.505 procedures. The best-value awardee was TISTA Science and Technology Corporation with a total period of performance from March 16, 2017 – March 15, 2022. The total dollar amount obligated to date is $13,712,937.63…”
“The Medicare portion of the NLR program has been fully decommissioned and transitioned to other systems since December 31, 2018. The Medicaid portion of the NLR program is still operational but usage will dwindle down to zero by September 2023 at which time NLR will begin its full decommission. As a result, CMS has a need to extend the NLR task order from April 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023 to allow for operation and maintenance of the Medicaid functionality and the continued preparation for total decommissioning. During this time, the system will not be substantially updated or enhanced. Program costs have been reduced due to the removal of Medicare, so the only remaining NLR operations requiring support are:
- The HITECH Research and Support User Interface (RNSGUI) until 09/30/2023…
- The Business Intelligence (MicroStrategy) Reports until 09/30/2023…
- The NLR-SLR interface file exchange transactions until 09/30/2023…
- The NLR Production Support (including Help Desk) until 09/30/2023…
“The current contractor, TISTA, has already started the NLR decommission process and is the only contractor able to continue efficiently and economically supporting the remaining Medicaid functionality detailed above while preparing to fully decommission NLR. TISTA is currently serving in this role and has all the necessary personnel, knowledge, and skills to support this effort. TISTA has completed the Medicare decommissioning and will be partially through the Medicaid decommissioning process when the current task order expires. No other contractor could efficiently step in and keep the Medicaid functionality operating or conduct the final decommissioning as they would need to transition-in and learn the NLR system before they could continue either effort. This would add months to the timeline, significantly decreasing efficiency of labor hours and increase the cost to the Government…”