Thursday, December 19, 2024

VA awards HPS Administrative Sustainment contract extension pending protest resolution and new award

Notice ID: VA11816F10060012P00027

Award Number: VA11816D1006

“Description of Action: The proposed sole source action is for a Firm-Fixed-Price modification for a three-month extension to task order VA11816F10060012 issued under Transformation Twenty-One Total Technology Next Generation (T4NG) Contract VA118-16-D-1006 for Health Product Support (HPS) Tier 3 (T3) Sustainment Support for Administrative Applications with Favor Tech Consulting (FTC), 7400 Beaufont Springs Drive, Suite 300, Richmond, Virginia, 23225…”

“This new H-DSO task order was awarded to Liberty IT Solutions, LLC (Liberty) and addresses multiple IT services for the entire VA OIT Health Portfolio, and through the exercise of Optional Tasks, will also encompass services previously provided by the HPS T3 Sustainment Support task order. However, on October 12, 2021, two (2) unsuccessful offerors filed Government Accountability Office (GAO) protests challenging the H-DSO task order award to Liberty resulting in the stay of contract performance of that award pursuant to 31 U.S.C. § 3553 (d)(3)(A)(ii). As of January 20, 2022, the decisions from GAO were received and both protests have been dismissed. As a result, it is anticipated that efforts under the H-DSO task order may commence by January 31, 2022. In order to ensure a seamless transition of this critical product sustainment support, it is imperative that the HPS T3 Sustainment Support task order be extended to continue operations and execute the Optional Task to initiate the 3-month transition originally planned…”

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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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