Wednesday, January 15, 2025

GCN: Parallel CDC network makes lab data more accessible

“Because their operating systems and configurations often don’t meet federal security mandates, laboratory instruments and computers cannot typically connect to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Business Network, stymieing data access, sharing and storage. CDC’s Isolated Secure Laboratory Environment is changing that.”

“ISLE has standardized firewall rules that allow for lab equipment to connect and access to limited CDC network resources.  Connections can be expanded to include non-standardized ISLE configurations with review and assistance from CDC data network and IT security teams.”

“’ISLE is a completely dedicated autonomous network that runs parallel to CDC’s existing Business Network,’ said Charles Avery, chief of the Program Services Branch within the CIO’s Office. ‘This network will have the core services of any network, such as DNS and [dynamic host configuration protocol], but it also brings in modern technology that otherwise would not be available to offline computers, such as exploratory data analysis and visualization.'”

“Additionally, ISLE allows for cloud and blockchain applications that move data securely and for an environmental-quality management system that can centralize the temperature monitoring of deep freezers that store specimens, for example. Also, maintenance and quality-of-service auditing of the lab equipment can be conducted by remote vendors that log in to make fixes in real time.”

“Until now, lab equipment and computers ran in offline mode, which was a challenge to researchers, Avery said, adding that data movement often happened via biometric thumb drives. ‘It doesn’t allow for the easy transport and analysis of data as well as leveraging the new, cutting-edge technologies such as cloud and [Microsoft Office] 365 and blockchain and internet of things,’ he said. ‘ISLE actually solves all of these problems by allowing a wide range of nonstandard operating systems, configurations, software and instruments to be joined onto a highly secure autonomous network while still allowing the labs to leverage modern technology and meet the federal security guidelines.'”

“Each of CDC’s 200-plus labs has its own objectives, and it’s not unusual for half the lab equipment to be on the Business Network and the other half offline. ISLE moves all of it onto the same autonomous network and applies security controls to allow for the movement of data…” Read the full article here.

Source: Parallel CDC network makes lab data more accessible – By Stephanie Kanowitz, November 3, 2021. GCN.



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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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