Tuesday, January 14, 2025

FDA RFI: Insight Time Reporting (Salesforce) DME AND O&M


The Insight Time Reporting (ITR) system is an agency-wide project to modernize FDA’s activity-based time reporting capabilities, enabling the collection of data to support a resource capacity planning capability that will:

  • Satisfy commitments made to stakeholders for the authorizations of user fee programs;
  • Enhance/improve financial planning, execution and tracking; and
  • Effectively forecast workload demands to inform FDA decisions about proactive hiring and optimal allocation of staffing resources.

FDA recognizes that for this resource capacity planning function to operate optimally, the Agency needs to modernize its approaches to surveying its staff on the time invested in work activities. To this end, FDA has committed to developing a modernized time reporting capability. The primary objectives of developing this capability are to collect sufficient time reporting data to support capacity planning activities and to harmonize time reporting throughout the medical products centers and related organizations.

The scope of this effort is to secure the expert integration and support services to continue improvement of Insight Time Reporting and includes:

  • Improve and refine the manageability of ITR System
  • Consideration of optional efforts for the expanded integration of FDA Centers into the ITR system
  • Provide Operations and Maintenance services for the ITR system that supports current customers (CDER, OCE, ORA, CDRH).
  • Optimize daily operations of ITR users through ITR functionality enhancements
  • Provide for technical help and assistance for ITR customers User Fee reporting efforts
  • Where directed by Federal Project Leads and Customer User Groups, the contractor shall collect, prioritize, and develop additional enhancements and functionality to the existing ITR application.

To meet this need, FDA developed the Insight Time Reporting application on the Salesforce platform in 2018 and launched to the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research in 2019.

In order to support and mature the FDA Insight Time reporting system, the Contractor shall coordinate with the FDA Office of Information Technology (OIMT) for support of the application infrastructure. The FDA OIMT is responsible for the SalesForce platform, upgrades, and other required infrastructure support. Communications across FDA Centers and Offices will be necessary in order to successfully embed the time reporting application as a part of daily operations. The current methodology employed for the development, enhancement and operations support is Agile methodology. This Agile process employs the creation of user journeys and an optimized code structure to incrementally improve the development process, User Interface useability, and User Experience within the ITR.

The Contractor will work with the Federal Project Managers to provide a cohesive change management strategy that leverages a Human-Centered Design (HCD) approach that understands the interests, needs, and behaviors of the users and stakeholders. Federal Points of Contact within each of the customer Centers are active participants in the support of their time reporting applications. Current processes provide for an agency-wide application that strives to empower users to learn at their own pace and allows stakeholders to address their training needs in an agile fashion.

The purpose of this Task Order is to provide FDA Contractor support services for:

  • Full software development life cycle support services, including planning, requirements analysis, design, development, testing, and implementation of systems, business process, and business application software that integrates hardware, software, data, network, and security




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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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