Wednesday, December 4, 2024

HHS looking to add SES level Exec to lead Program Integrity

The incumbent is principally responsible for coordinating the Department’s payment accuracy activities; developing and maintaining an enterprise-wide audit tracking and analytics system; and overseeing HHS’s audit resolution activities.

Responsible for providing oversight to payment accuracy initiatives, including: (1) implementing the Improper Payment Information Act (IPIA) of 2002 and subsequent legislation and related guidance; (2) providing analysis of high risk programs and coordinating error rate measurements and improvements for high risk programs; (3) coordinating efforts among HHS Divisions to recapture improper payments; (4) identifying and sharing best practices on addressing improper payments with HHS leadership, HHS Divisions, OMB, and other agencies; (5) participating in inter-agency and HHS workgroups to address improper payments; (6) preparing reports, briefings, and making recommendations to senior HHS leadership HHS Divisions, OMB and other stakeholders on improper payment initiatives; and (7) leading other activities that support improving payment accuracy… Read More Here.

G2X TAKE: It is always interesting to see how HHS defines these roles. Savvier companies will be thinking about how to put forth a friendly face, while others will be working to understand where current Program Integrity Director, Richard Aragon, is going. With this type of an enterprise perspective on what remains a major issue across the healthcare sector, we will be watching closely to see who HHS adds to fill this role.  



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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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