Thursday, December 26, 2024


HHS HRSA awards $2M HEDSAP SAS files Automation &...

Publicis Sapient has been awarded a 1-year, $2M contract by the Department of...

HHS HRSA awards $1M FORHP/OAT PIMS Modernization task

REI Systems has been awarded a 1-year, $1M contract by the Department of...

HHS HRSA awards $3M National Toll-Free Poison Help Desk...

8(a) small business Immersive Concepts has been awarded a 56-month, $3M contract by...

HHS HRSA awards $6M Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) Application-Platform Enhancements...

REI Systems has been awarded a 15-month, $6M task by the Department of...

HHS HRSA awards $5M Regional Pandemic Network Strategic Support...

Altarum Institute has been awarded a 4-year, $5M task by the Department of...

HRSA taps Branch Chief, Hosting, Division of Infrastructure Services

Brian Sutton, a dedicated IT executive with over 23 years of hands-on experience,...

HRSA awards $400K Public Health Emergency Initiative contract

Goldbelt Apex has been awarded an 18-month, $400K contract by the Department of...

HRSA awards IKN O&M task

Publicis Sapient has been awarded a 1-year, $800K task by the Department of...

HHS HRSA seeking Deputy Director

Duties Providing day-to-day direction to OPAE senior staff involving the development of Agency...

Press Release: Abt, HealthBegins, Preeclampsia Foundation Receive HRSA Contract...

Rockville, Md.—The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)—through the Health Resources...

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