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Home News FCW: CDC wants real-time data on COVID, flu vaccine effectiveness

FCW: CDC wants real-time data on COVID, flu vaccine effectiveness

FCW: CDC wants real-time data on COVID, flu vaccine effectiveness
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The Centers for Disease Control are looking for new ways to determine the effectiveness of vaccines against seasonal respiratory diseases like COVID-19, and think the answer could be found in leveraging electronic health record data.

The agency issued its Fiscal Year 2023 Broad Agency Announcement on Wednesday, calling for vendors to provide white papers outlining solutions that address 37 research topics posed by the CDC…

CDC officials are looking for ways to use real-time data to track how effective the virus strains used in vaccines are. Traditional campaigns rely on resource-intensive methods that produce small-sample data, such as patient interviews and abstract medical records data, but now the agency is looking to increase its sample data and reduce response times with more robust data sources.

By tapping EHR data — and combining it with other sources like “medical records, laboratory, pharmacy, vaccination registry, claims data and vital statistics records” — officials aim to broaden the aperture on both vaccination status and effectiveness to be able to respond more quickly to public health crises…

Read the full article here.





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