Notice ID: 36C10B24Q0120
Request for Information (RFI) Cisco Business Critical Enterprise Service Agreement (CBCESA) This RFI is for planning purposes only and shall not be considered an Invitation for Bid, Request for Task Execution Plan, Request for Quotation, or a Request for Proposal. Additionally, there is no obligation on the part of the Government to acquire any products or services described in this RFI.Your response to this RFI will be treated only as information for the Government to consider. You will not be entitled to payment for direct or indirect costs that you incur in responding to this RFI. This request does not constitute a solicitation for proposals or the authority to enter into negotiations to award a contract. Please find the attached Performance Work Statement Please provide your technical response and limit your response to 10 pages. In addition to your technical response please provide a Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) the ROM should be broken up to separate maintenance services, engineering services(broken out by technical field, and quantity of technicians), hardware/software support, training credits, reports, licenses to include MSRP and VA cost Description of the items being offered in sufficient detail to evaluate conformance with the requirements. VA intends to only contract with Cisco GoldPartners, please confirm if your firm is a Cisco Gold Partner. Please contact Cisco and utilize the most current True-Up inventory for the purpose of the ROM.
Please confirm that your team can or cannot comply with the below FAR clause if this were issued as a Set-Aside type solicitation. Please indicate which contract vehicles you are on if any. PLEASE RESPOND BY January 25, 2023 at 4:00PM EST to and Please provide any RFIs by January 20, 2024. 852.219-77 VA Notice of Limitations on Subcontracting Certificate of Compliance for Services and Construction. As prescribed in819.7011(b), insert the following clause: VA Notice of Limitations on Subcontracting – Certificate of Compliance for Services and Construction (NOV2022) (a) Pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 8127(k)(2), the offeror certifies that – (1) If awarded a contract (see FAR 2.101 definition), it will comply with the limitations on subcontracting requirement as provided in the solicitation and the resultant contract, as follows: [Contracting Officer check the appropriate box below based on the predominant NAICS code assigned to the instant acquisition as set forth in FAR 19.102.] (i) Services. In the case of a contract for services (except construction), the contractor will not pay more than 50% of the amount paid by the government to it to firms that are not VIP-listed SDVOSBs as set forth in852.219-73 or VOSBs as set forth in 852.219-74. Any work that a similarly situated VIP-listed subcontractor further subcontracts will count towards the 50%subcontract amount that cannot be exceeded. Other direct costs may be excluded to the extent they are not the principal purpose of the acquisition and small business concerns do not provide the service as set forth in 13 CFR 125.6.(ii) General construction. In the case of a contract for general construction,the contractor will not pay more than 85% of the amount paid by the government to it to firms that are not VIP-listed SDVOSBs as set forth in 852.219-73or VOSBs as set forth in 852.219-74. Any work that a similarly situated VIP-listed subcontractor further subcontracts will count towards the 85%subcontract amount that cannot be exceeded. Cost of materials are excluded and not considered to be subcontracted. (iii) Special trade construction contractors. In the case of a contract for special trade contractors, the contractor will not pay more than 75% of the amount paid by the government to it to firms that are not VIP-listed SDVOSBs as set forth in 852.219-73 or VOSBs asset forth in 852.219-74. Any work that a similarly situated subcontractor further subcontracts will count towards the 75% subcontract amount that cannot be exceeded. Cost of materials are excluded and not considered to be subcontracted.
(2) The offeror acknowledges that this certification concerns a matter within the jurisdiction of an Agency of the United States. The off eror further acknowledges that this certification is subject to Title 18, United States Code, Section 1001, and, as such, a false, fictitious, or fraudulent certification may render the offeror subject to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties, including prosecution. (3) If VA determines that an SDVOSB/VOSB awarded a contract pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 8127 did not act in good faith, such SDVOSB/VOSB shall be subject to any or all of the following: (i) Referral to the VA Suspension and Debarment Committee; (ii) A fine under section 16(g)(1) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 645(g)(1)); and (iii) Prosecution for violating section 1001of title 18. (b) The offeror represents and understands that by submission of its offer and award of a contract it may be required to provide copies of documents or records to VA that VA may review to determine whether the offeror complied with the limitations on subcontracting requirement specified in the contract.Contracting officers may, at their discretion, require the contractor to demonstrate its compliance with the limitations on subcontracting at any time during performance and upon completion of a contract if the information regarding such compliance is not already available to the contracting officer. Evidence of compliance includes, but is not limited to, invoices, copies of subcontracts, or a list of the value of tasks performed. (c) The offeror further agrees to cooperate fully and make available any documents or records as maybe required to enable VA to determine compliance with the limitations on subcontracting requirement. The offeror understands that failure to provide documents as requested by VA may result in remedial action as the Government deems appropriate. (d) Offeror completed certification/fill-in required. The formal certification must be completed, signed and returned with the offeror’s bid, quotation, or proposal. The Government will not consider offers for award from offerors that do not provide the certification, and all such responses will be deemed ineligible for evaluation and award. Certification I hereby certify that if awarded the contract, [insert name of offeror] will comply with the limitations on subcontracting specified in this clause and in the resultant contract. I further certify that I am authorized to execute this certification on behalf of [insert name of offeror]. Printed Name of Signee: Printed Title of Signee: Signature: Date:Company Name and Address: (End of clause)VA requires Cisco Collaboration Flex Plan to include cloud, on-premises, and hosted collaboration services and licensing in one unified service and shall provide technical and operational support for meetings, messaging, and unified communications /calling services for VA Knowledge Workers (employees), to include software, upgrades, and support as defined in this PWS.
The Contactor shall provide Cisco Collaboration Flex Plan, Cisco Intersight Infrastructure Service Licensing, and CML Licensing to provide technical and operational support, licenses and services for VA employees, VA owned or operated servers, and pre-production lab environments.