Notice ID: RFQ-NIAID-23-2155667
Research and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) program. These services will include SBIR/STTR grantsmanship workshops, entrepreneurial coaching, one on one consulting, and business plan development. The target audience for ITEP includes prospective SBIR/STTR applicants seeking funding support for innovations that align with NIAID’s mission/research priorities. The target audience will have no prior experience in SBIR/STR grantsmanship and little to no experience in entrepreneurship. While the ITEP program will be open to all new and aspiring entrepreneurs within the NIAID mission space, NIAID places a special emphasis on qualifying female, minority, and disadvantaged entrepreneurs. In collaboration with the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the Contractor will engage marketing and outreach activities to engage relevant stakeholders. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will have developed a business plan and be equipped all the necessary knowledge, tools, and resources successfully to launch and run a company and apply for the NIAID SBIR/STTR program.
The Contractor will establish a support program that will assist participants in making the transition from innovator to entrepreneur by providing entrepreneurial and grantsmanship training to new and aspiring entrepreneurs with an emphasis on qualifying applicants from underrepresented groups. The ITEP shall include the program elements described below in the form of individual service areas.
Service Area 1: Curriculum Development & Training Schedule
Service Area 2: ITEP Tool Kit Development
Service Area 3: ITEP Online Application, Promotional Webinars and Marketing
Service Area 4: Application Review & Cohort Formation
Service Area 5: Cohort Training Sessions
Service Area 6: One on One Consultations for SBIR/STTR application preparation and Business Plan Development
Service Area 7: Participant Final Presentations
Service Area 8: Conduct Exit Surveys
Service Area 9: Progress Reports, Cohort Reports, Final Program Summary
Service Area 9: Contract Quality Control and Management