Notice ID
The purpose of this requirement is to acquire SLIMS Licenses and application engineer consulting hours to support FDA’s Whole Genome Sequencing Program (WGS) business needs for genomic data collection and analysis.
The Contractor shall provide GIMS / SLIMS Licenses or Equal or updates through license renewal to maintain usability and functionality of the GIMS Application, which shall meet or exceed the following Salient physical, functional, or performance characteristics:
- The contractor shall provide license keys for 15 User Named SLIMS licenses. A local GIMS Server Unix Administrator will install licenses on FDA computers accordingly once provided the license key.
- The contractor shall provide as applicable support for the GIMS system and CFSAN in-house
- developers, given the highly secure HHS/FDA/CFSAN environment and extensive CFSANdeveloped code extensions. Consulting will involve advising on answering technical questions, providing support for upgrades (installation guides, creating new FDA instance, etc.), advising on security of code bases, troubleshooting issues, and design consultation as necessary.
- The contractor will provide license keys for 3 Extra Servers. A local GIMS Server Unix Administrator will install licenses on FDA computers accordingly once provided the license key.