ONC recently launched the USCDI+ initiative to support the establishment of program-specific datasets that will operate as extensions to the existing United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI).
ONC and HRSA are working to align the UDS with interoperability standards and transition to patient-level reporting requirements with USCDI…
The UDS is a standard dataset that health centers funded under the Health Center Program authorized by section 330 of the Public Health Service Act submit annually. The UDS includes patient characteristics, services provided and used, clinical quality measures, health outcomes, staffing, costs, and revenue.
HRSA recently launched a UDS Modernization Initiative to expand and modernize the UDS data set. A key goal of the initiative is to transition from aggregate data submission at the health center level to disaggregated and de-identified UDS patient level submission (UDS+)… Read the full article here.