Notice ID: 75N92022Q0366
“The NHLBI OTAC is seeking contractor support to evaluate office programs and services to ensure they are meeting the intended goals and to provide data-based evidence to inform NIH decisions regarding programs and operational activities. The contractor will be responsible for developing and/or implementing a strategy and framework for evaluation, including data collection and performance measurements and analyses, for all of OTAC’s small business innovation ecosystem activities. The contractor will identify appropriate data elements, create environments to collect and house data, and provide analysis and visualization tools that allow for ongoing evaluation of the SBIR/STTR ecosystem.”
“In addition, Contractor will coordinate the programs supporting implementation and delivery of innovation and commercialization activities and support process improvements identified by NIH as a result of analysis and evaluation. The ecosystem evaluation contractor will design an evaluation strategy and implement an evaluation plan for the full scope of the current and future NHLBI SBIR/STTR programs and initiatives, which will inform ongoing NHLBI program management and operations, while meeting the needs of the Small Business Administration reporting requirements as identified in the SBA policy directive (85 FR 50062). It is anticipated that the effort will continue to support current data collection and analysis systems and related activities with several option periods, which may or may not be severable at the discretion of the NHLBI…”