Notice ID: FDA-22-SOL-1251895
“Background: The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) needs additional restaurant menu data from selected top restaurant chains in the U.S., including nutrition data from 2021 to support mission critical initiatives, including the ability to monitor nutritional and other changes in the food supply over time.”
“FDA has been enhancing monitoring and surveillance efforts for various nutrients in the food supply (i.e. sodium). Currently, a challenge with monitoring the nutrient content of restaurant foods is that nutrition information for foods sold in restaurants is not routinely available, some sources of information do not provide thorough descriptions of food items, or weights of food items, and item component and/or ingredient information may not be available. To understand how nutrients in the food supply have changed over time, FDA requires more complete restaurant data. Improved monitoring capabilities will enhance FDA’s ability to fulfill its mission of protecting and promoting public health. The availability of data will enable FDA to conduct research and surveillance in the areas under its jurisdiction, including menu labeling and ingredient safety.”
“Objectives: The objective of this acquisition is to obtain access to all menu and nutrition information from identified restaurants in a format that is searchable (e.g. images, pdfs, etc.) as well as to obtain usable data on restaurant menu items (e.g. data collected transcribed into spreadsheets) for 2021. The data collected shall be provided in various formats (e.g. searchable images and pdfs, screenshots, web tables, Excel files, Word documents, etc.), and should include metadata and information such as the following: date of collection, date presented on information collected, specific descriptions of menu items, component information, ingredient information, nutrition data, serving size data, how items are served, and weights of food items, components, and ingredients when available. The collected images of menus, web captures, and electronic copies of menus should also be provided…”
“Requirements: The work includes seven (7) tasks to encompass receipt of data, documentation, quality control, and customer support. FDA shall coordinate with the Contractor to discuss all tasks in more detail at the onset of the contract and should a more efficient way to approach each task be agreed upon by the Contractor and FDA, the details below may be modified. All the tasks are required for the base plus four (4) option years…”