Notice ID: FDA-RFQ-22-1254213
“Objective: The objective of this requirement is to renew NONMEM/PDx-PoP software license subscription or acquire an equivalent software that can meet the Government’s needs.”
“Requirements: Software License, NONMEM
The salient characteristics for the NONMEM Software License, brand name or equal, are listed below. The Contractor shall provide a brand name or an equal-to product that meets the following software license salient characteristics.
- The following population analysis methods must be available:
- First Order Conditional Estimation (FOCE)
- Laplace Conditional Estimation
- Iterative Two Stage (ITS)
- Importance Sampling Expectation-Maximization (IMP)
- Stochastic Approximation Expectation-Maximization (SAEM)
- Markov-Chain Monte Carlo Bayesian Analysis (BAYES)
- Parallel computing of a single problem over multiple cores or computers
- Dynamic memory allocation according to problem size.
- Capable of using the first-order conditional estimation method.
- Multiple mixed effects levels, with random effects across groups of individuals such as clinical site
- Symbolic reference to thetas, etas, and epsilons.
- Variance matrix parameters output in covariance and correlation format.
- Variance matrix parameters in covariance, correlation, or Cholesky format.
- Enhanced annealing feature for SAEM to facilitate estimation of fixed effect parameters (THETAs) that do not have associated inter-subject variance (ETA’s).
- Boot-strap simulations…”