Notice ID: HT003822R0005
JOMIS PMO is seeking to broaden its knowledge about current and emerging commercial best practices and innovation in the use of information technology, and information on successful implementation of those practices, to improve healthcare in deployed combat and combat-potential environments. JOMIS PMO is highly motivated to progress beyond the status quo and pursue transformative approaches and methods as it seeks to mature, modernize, and optimize the information technology supporting deployed healthcare in the 21st century DoD OpMed Enterprise.
To this end, JOMIS PMO is gathering information about commercial case studies and best practices on the innovative use of IT to improve healthcare delivery. JOMIS PMO highly encourages responses from sources that are familiar with JOMIS PMO systems and from those who are unfamiliar with JOMIS PMO systems. Some potential respondents may not be completely familiar with the environmental constraints unique to delivering Software Systems across an Enterprise in low and no-com (DIL) environments, or may not be fully aware of the current challenges faced by JOMIS PMO. Subsequently, this RFI includes broad environmental descriptions to afford all respondents the opportunity to consider the current shortfalls and barriers that exist. We seek information technology commercial best practices that are truly innovative and transformative.