Notice ID: 75N95022Q00117
“The Laboratory of Epidemiology and Population Sciences (LEPS) requires data management and analysis support services to clean, format, document and perform analyses of large inhouse datasets for use by Extramural and Intramural researchers.”
“The contractor shall perform the following services:
- Clean (identify and correct data entry errors and/or missing values, inconsistent values) individual-level questionnaire, clinical, and digital data from cross-sectional and longitudinal studies designed to address statistical associations relevant to human health
- Create and maintain accessible documentation of datasets following NIH human data protection rules
- Create and label derived variables based on original dataset variables, annotate data analysis programs; and archive data following NIH data protection rules
- Analyze data formatted in SAS or R data formats
- Manage large publicly available datasets, including applying for data access, identifying storage needs for data, downloading data and archiving them in a secure environments
- Generate tables or graphics of data based on health-related data for use in scientific publications, and professional presentations (including poster and oral presentations)
- Guide approved researchers on the protocol to access and use in-house data
- Run statistical programs of approved projects for off-site fellows
- For large consortia studies, create/send datasets, and analyze data according to approved standardized protocol
- Perform mid-level data analysis, including descriptive statistics, linear and logistic regression on health-related data with a set of pre-specified variables.
- Under supervision of Senior Investigator or Staff Scientist, program and run more highlevel analysis of health-related cross-sectional or longitudinal data
- Technical writing including co-authoring of articles for journal submission
- Initiate and participate, as needed, in meetings and conference calls between PIs, contractors and collaborators to solve specific data management issues…