Notice ID: 36C10B22Q0140
“The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Office of Information and Technology (OI&T), Product Engineering (PE), Veterans Experience Services (VES), Eligibility and Enrollment (E&E) product line seeks information on current industry architecture, capability, and technical staffing for a creative, innovative, agile, and responsive next-generation Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Enrollment and Eligibility System.”
“Benefits anticipated are to ascertain commercial practice, streamlined evaluation processes, reduce the cost of contracting for both government and industry, use of Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) for complex business rule engine, automate eligibility determination, low code/no code, test-driven development, containerize code, improve performance and efficiency, standardize processes, robust interoperability practices, and simply sustainment.”
“The VHA Eligibility and Enrollment capabilities are expected to be the primary means to compile military service, demographics, and financial data from VA healthcare facilities and other internal (VA) and external authoritative subsystems to process Veterans’ applications for enrollment, support benefits determinations, manage enrollment correspondence and telephone inquiries, share eligibility and enrollment information with non-VA organizations and with the VA healthcare facilities treating the Veteran, and to provide support for national reporting and analysis of Enrollment data…”