Notice ID: HHS-CDC-NIOSH(DM)-SBSS-22-62138
“The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), is seeking information on a potential requirement for National Education and Awareness Social Marketing Campaign: Employer Efforts to Support the Mental Health of Health Workers…”
“The purpose of this requirement is to secure services to conduct a multidimensional, social marketing campaign is to improve the mental health and well-being of health workers (alternatively reduce negative health outcomes, such as chronic disease, and adverse mental health outcomes, such as suicide). To achieve this, efforts will be focused on 1) informing and encouraging employers to offer evidence-based mental health programs and services as well as adopting or modifying policies and practices that support worker mental health; and 2) informing and encouraging health workers to participate in employer-offered programs or use employer-offered services. If an employer does not offer programs/services, promote other publicly available resources…”
“The vendor will provide all labor, materials, and equipment required to complete the tasks outlined below. The vendor will be required to:
- Conduct formative audience research to determine audience needs and segment audiences for targeted communication campaign efforts.
- Develop communication tools and health education products to support employers and workers in understanding mental health and acting on positive mental health outcomes.
- Disseminate messages to intended audiences via multiple channels.
- Conduct outreach to partners and stakeholders with a vested interested in health worker mental health to further extend the reach of campaign efforts.
- Short-term evaluation of the campaign after campaign launch…”