Notice ID: IHS1439757
“The Indian Health Service, Gallup Indian Medical Center located at 516 E Nizhoni Boulevard, Gallup, NM 87301 has an upcoming requirement for a blood bank software solution. The software solution should permit medical providers to enter orders for blood bank testing and, orders for specific blood products. It would permit logging and tracking of all blood component inventories and, inventory of all testing reagents. Blood component data would be barcode scanned into the inventory, as can testing reagents and specimen samples. The blood bank software solution will record testing data at all stages of testing both for patients, components and quality control and, can readily be interfaced with automated blood bank instrumentation so that testing results can be automatically entered to the software solution’s database. As each event occurs, that event, patient or, test result must be automatically recorded. Additionally, the software should have available algorithms to provide blood type and blood compatibility interpretations and, to verify acceptability of blood unit assignments with respect to any patient’s blood type and available testing history data. The requirement will include a base period plus four 12-month option periods…”