Monday, January 13, 2025

GovernmentCIO: The Scientific Computing Advocates Behind FDA’s Tech Transformation

“FDA is taking a unified, enterprise approach to data and technology modernization. As part of its 2022 fiscal year budget, the agency requested additional funds to modernize and prioritize its data infrastructure by using current technology innovations to more efficiently gather data, quickly identify and combat data challenges, and improve review times for medical products.

It’s clear that technology for public health agencies such as the FDA needs to involve close consideration of scientific missions, which is where the Scientific Computing Board comes into play…”

“’We work as scientists across centers, trying to make sure the needs of both the research and review scientists are represented in these higher level IT discussions,’ [board Co-Chair Errol Strain] said. ‘Part of the role of the board is the cross-center collaborations and knowledge of resources and activities across centers.’

Plus, not only does the group identify technology needs, but also helps teams and stakeholders understand the risks involved, Co-Chair Mark Walderhaug told GovernmentCIO Media & Research…”

“The board is also implementing new technology tools to foster cross-center collaboration and enact transformational change. One priority is advancing what the co-chairs call the ‘scientific network,’ which is the integration of improved IT systems so scientists can easily connect scientific instruments to a computer network. This ensures the instrument can really only receive or connect to specific shares or resources.

“’We’re trying to figure out ways we can keep doing good science inside a continually changing IT environment, via security, via other factors that are changing for good reason, but just making sure we stay current with the science,’ Strain said…”  Read the full article here.

Source: The Scientific Computing Advocates Behind FDA’s Tech Transformation – By Sarah Sybert, October 1, 2021. GovernmentCIO.



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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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