Notice ID: HHS-PSC-SS-21-75P00121R00021
“The purpose of this project is for the Administration for Community Living, Administration on Disabilities, Office of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (OIDD) to contract for a performance-based arrangement for providing coordinated, comprehensive, and specialized training and technical assistance (T/TA) to University Centers of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDDs).”
The T/TA activities are organized around five main areas:
- Project Management and Evaluation
- Knowledge Development, Sharing and Transfer
- Strengthening Peer to Peer Contacts and Networking
- Collaboration
- Information Management
Information Management
- Provide for as long as it is needed a highly-reliable and secure web-based information management system of services and supports that meets or exceeds customer requirements and expectations for electronic submission of the Annual OIDD/UCEDD program performance report (PPR)s.
- Given the dynamics of the web-based information management market, establish an arrangement that easily accommodates change to any and all information management system maintained by the contractor.
- Directly manage a flexible, transparent, and responsive federal reporting web-based information management system for as long as it is needed with interactive components that provides:
- A mechanism for UCEDDs to electronically store required documents submitted to the federal agencies (e.g. PPR), with embedded guidance for grantees to provide high quality activity descriptions
- A mechanism for UCEDDs to electronically transfer to OIDD the required documents (e.g., PPR).
- Provides, in a timely manner, data files to federal staff (OIDD) based on federal agency
- Provide effective T/TA to UCEDD and federal staff on the web-based information management systems supported by this funding.
- Prepare reports and provide data as requested in accordance with OIDD format and guidelines.
- Directly manage a web-based information management system which can be accessed by the public that provides for full functionality to categorically search for past and current initiatives, activities and efforts undertaken by UCEDDs that meets OIDD’s expectations.
- Continue to maintain compliance with BOD 18-01 including Email Security and Web Security in accordance with HHS/ ACL IT.