Notice ID: 36U10120Q0076
HRIT has a 5-year high-level Notional Roadmap that depicts the HR solutions/systems managed by HRIT on behalf of the VA Enterprise. These solutions are in various stages of development, from new requirements discovery, through sustainment. Some use platforms that require continual refresh (e.g. scheduled or patch releases) or are in dire need of a solution-wide modernization. Some of these capabilities support: Human Capital as a Service, Integrated Pay, Talent Acquisition, Talent Development, Separation and Retirement, and Employee Benefits.
The VA is looking for the most innovative, modernized, automated and integration solutions for its HR-IT capabilities support to VA staffing efforts. Potential solutions include: Software-as-a-Service, , Data Management, Service Desk best practices and metrics, Mobile Applications, Process Automation, and Artificial Intelligence.