Tuesday, March 11, 2025

CMS: Trump Administration Announces Initiative to Transform Rural Health

“The Trump Administration today announced it is further transforming the nation’s rural health care system by unleashing innovation through new funding opportunities that will increase access and improve quality. The Community Health Access and Rural Transformation (CHART) Model delivers on President Trump’s Executive Order from last week on Improving Rural Health and Telehealth Access as well as the President’s Medicare Executive Order and CMS’s Rethinking Rural Health initiative.  Collectively, the Administration aims to ensure individuals in rural America have access to high quality, affordable health care.”

“Per the President’s Executive Order, the CHART Model also ties payment to value, increases choice and lowers costs for patients. CHART will empower rural communities to develop a system of care to deliver high quality care to their patients by providing support through new seed funding and payment structures, operational and regulatory flexibilities and technical and learning support…”

“Providers interested in the CHART Model have two options for participation:

Community Transformation Track

The Trump Administration is investing up to $75 million in seed money to allow up to 15 rural communities to participate in the Community Transformation Track. The upfront investment empowers communities to implement care delivery reform, provide predictable capitated payments, and offer operational and regulatory flexibilities to build a sustainable system of care. Through these flexibilities, health care providers across the community will be able to pursue care transformation such as expanding telehealth to allow the beneficiary’s place of residence to be an originating site and waiving certain Medicare hospital conditions of participation to allow a rural outpatient department and emergency room to be paid as if they were classified as a hospital. The model also allows participant hospitals to waive cost-sharing for certain Part B services, provide transportation support, and gift cards for chronic disease management.

In September, CMS will select up to 15 rural communities to participate in this track, with the winners being announced in early 2021 and the model starting in Summer 2021.”

“Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Transformation Track

This track offers upfront investment to assist rural healthcare providers in improving outcomes and quality for rural beneficiaries. This track builds on the success of the ACO Investment Model (AIM), which has saved $382 million over three years. Providers participating in the ACO Transformation Track will enter into two-sided risk arrangements as part of the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) and may use all waivers available in the MSSP program. CMS anticipates releasing a Request for Applications in the Spring 2021 and selecting up to 20 rural ACOs to participate in this track starting in January 2022.”

“Today’s announcement builds on CMS’s previous actions to strengthen the rural healthcare delivery system and improve the health of rural Americans…” Read the full press release here.

Source: Trump Administration Announces Initiative to Transform Rural Health – August 11, 2020. CMS.



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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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