Solicitation Number: 36C10B20Q0231
“The Contractor shall provide RMD Enterprise Risk Registry (ERR) operations and maintenance, program management and software maintenance including software issue(s) such as; troubleshooting, software changes, testing, deployment, documentation, and training.”
“VA OIT RMD implemented the web-based Enterprise Risk Registry (ERR) application to aid VA in the identification and mitigation of risk and supports the risk management needs and practices of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Office of Quality Safety and Value and the VHA Office of Compliance and Business Integrity.”
“VA requires software maintenance for the ERR application, such as for software and database changes, testing, deployment, documentation, and training to the ERR application will be required as the VA OIT RMD risk management process matures.”
The Contractor shall implement all changes to the ERR application and database as the changes become required by VA throughout the period of performance. A sample of these changes is provided in Table 1. The Contractor shall implement these changes by performing database management, web development, testing, training and documentation, as described in the tasks of the following subsections.
The Contractor shall perform the software changes in their development environment (i.e. server), testing will be performed in VA’s testing environment (i.e. server) and shall deploy each production-ready product to VA’s production environment (i.e. server) (by connecting to the VA network).