Solicitation: 36C10B20Q0189
As DaVINCI has matured and completed the JIF project, this requirement is intended to continue to build and develop the DaVINCI resource. The value of DaVINCI deployed as a dynamic and complete longitudinal database, a necessary resource for both DoD and Veterans Health Administration (VHA) research communities.
The Contractor shall provide DaVINCI support efforts that employ the Observable Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) common data model (CDM), a secure cloud-computing infrastructure, and modular analytical platform that support benefits, services, quality, and safety investigations at the population level.
Additionally, the contractor shall use both clinical and administrative health data sources for DoD and VA to continue expansion of the DaVINCI OMOP CDM, access to the Military Health System Data Repository (MDR), the HSDW, Cerner Power Insight Enterprise Data Warehouse (PI-EDW), and the VA Corporate Data Warehouse (CDW).
Specifically, the Contractor shall provide system and database administration; database maintenance services to support the DaVINCI project; provide source DoD/VA data transfer and documentation; provide DoD to OMOP CDM data analysis & mapping design recommendation documentation also provide extract transfer load (ETL) functional testing in addition to quality assurance testing of the ETL process; and provide training in the use of DoD and VHA health data in addition to support an optional task for transition of the data source when the Cerner Data warehouse application is deployed at the direction of the government.