Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Press Release: Mathematica Named Grand Prizewinner in the Visualization Resources of Community-Level Social Determinants of Health Challenge

“The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) announced today that Mathematica is the grand prizewinner of the Agency’s Visualization Resources of Community-Level Social Determinants of Health Challenge for its data visualization tool… Salish Research group was named the runner-up, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute was named the third-place finisher…”

“AHRQ intends to use the data visualization innovations produced as part of the Social Determinants of Health Challenge competition as it considers new ways of presenting the Agency’s data sets and analytic tools to the public.”

“In a video, Data Analytics Developer Kelsey Skvoretz describes the competition and the data visualization tool. Designed for use by local government and public health officials, health care payers, researchers, and individual community members, the initial focus of the Community Connector app was to visualize the association between social determinants of health and the incidence of obesity, diabetes, and kidney disease in Colorado. By using a number of county-level health data sources, the app provides outcome-agnostic, county-level scores for six domains of social determinants of health. Using a machine-learning algorithm, the tool allows users to identify counties most similar to theirs, in terms of demographic and nonmodifiable social needs characteristics relevant to obesity, diabetes, and kidney disease. The app displays the distribution of health outcomes for all counties and the 20 counties most similar to a particular user for comparison…” Read the full press release here.

Source: Mathematica Named Grand Prizewinner in the Visualization Resources of Community-Level Social Determinants of Health Challenge Sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality – February 11, 2020. Mathematica.



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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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