Solicitation: 70Z02320RMMZ00100
The purpose of this contract is to obtain Contractor technical, administrative, and medical review & recommendation support services for the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) National Maritime Center (NMC) Medical Evaluation Program. Contractor tasks shall include reviewing and processing merchant mariner medical certificate applications; managing official merchant mariner medical records (electronic and paper based) and supplemental medical information; completing data entry related to the process; medical certificate creation; and supporting correspondence related to screening and processing of applications which also includes photo copying, scanning and stuffing envelopes.
The volume of work is forecasted based on expected annual mariner population activity and frequency, whether original, renewal or duplicate medical certificate applications. The average annual volume of work ranges between 55,000 to 65,000 medical certificate applications of various types. Each of these applications are delivered to the Medical Division (MED) for processing. Based on current MMLD data, the Medical Division receives an average per-month of 5,000 applications. Of those, 85 to 90% require first level review (screening) for fitness for certification decision. These files workflow to Medical Division, PQE, Central Files or Records Management AIP.