Updated January 13, 2021
VHA has decided to leverage existing efforts being taken by VA to evolve and grow the Veteran Digital Experience to satisfy the requirements of this solicitation. Therefore, in the best interest of the Government, the Taxpayers and Veterans, this requirement is cancelled.
Updated December 16, 2020
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) requires a Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) mobile application patient check-in solution that is cloud-based and Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) certified at a minimum moderate risk level by the start of the contract. For the duration of the contract, the Contractor shall comply with FedRAMP requirements as mandated by Federal laws and policies, including making available any documentation and logical access needed to support this requirement. For the duration of the contract, the Contractor shall provide, deliver, and update all artifacts necessary to obtain and maintain both the FedRAMP and VA ATO. The Contractor shall deliver a COTS software mobile application configured to ensure full compatibility with the Cerner Millennium Platform and Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA).
This solicitation will be issued as a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business set-aside on the beta.SAM website.
Updated June 19, 2020
Solicitation: 36C10B20R0005
The Veterans Point of Service (VPS) program office is responsible for managing the current VA Point of Service Initiative, known as VetLink. Under OVAC the VPS program office will be responsible for managing the patient check-in mobile app initiative.
In 2020 VA is seeking a Contractor to demonstrate the feasibility of a commercial patient check-in mobile application solution (henceforth referred to as Mobile App) designed especially for the healthcare industry to modernize VA to the commercial market provided in a Software as a Service (SaaS) delivery model. VHA is seeking a viable solution that can be easily transferred from one commercial vendor to another.
Subsequent publication of the Mobile App in Apple App Store, Google Play and the VA Mobile App Store (henceforth referred to as National Rollout) and Phase 3 will only occur following the acceptable completion of both Phase 1 and Phase 2. Participating Pilot Entities shall consist of:
Phase 1 Pilot at Spokane, Washington (henceforth referred to as Spokane) and,
Phase 2 Pilot at Columbus, Ohio (henceforth referred to as Columbus).
VHA envisions an advanced level of interoperability with mobile applications that will allow Veterans to conveniently transact with the Federal Government.
The Contractor shall provide, host, and deploy a commercially available Patient Check-in Mobile App solution that is VA approved across the VA enterprise.
The Contractor shall also provide a comprehensive range of project management services and services that facilitate strategic decisions for VA’s deployment of the accepted Mobile App solution throughout the enterprise.
The Contractor shall provide the following services for the Government:
Provide all services necessary to configure, take live and maintain the mobile application(s) described in this PWS.
Present annual training to designated VA staff related to functionality, user interface, owner updates, data transfer and reporting for the mobile application(s).
Supply annual hosting, updating, and maintenance for the mobile application(s) over the contract period.
The Contractor shall have the single point of responsibility for the Mobile App.
Due to the dependencies to the Cerner Millennium Cerner Suite Platform and VistA as outlined in Section 5.2.1 of the Base period requirement, the number of optional task(s) that can be completed is uncertain.
Posted December 16, 2019
Solicitation: 36C10B20R0005
The Office of Veterans Access to Care requires a Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS ) hardware and software replacement patient tablet kiosk solution that is cloud-based, includes tablets with touchscreen interface, and all hardware incidental to the patient kiosk solution (e.g. privacy screen, device display stand, mounting hardware, USB Lightning cables with 18W USB-C power adaptors, power cleaner surge protectors power cord and cable; and card scanner).
The Contractor shall deliver a commercial replacement patient kiosk solution that provides an ongoing recharging capability (e.g. continues power source); ultra-low power consumption and extended battery life. The COTS cloud-based solution must be easily transferred from one commercial vendor to another.
The Contractor s Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) shall be Substitutable Medical Applications, Reusable Technologies (SMART) Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR) compliant and shall be Health Level Seven (HL7) compliant. Prior to installation, VA requires the Contractor to perform surveys, data calls and assessments of the current as-is and the to-be state based on kiosk utilization for kiosk hardware equipment requirements (e.g., determine must-have quantities of tablets needed per site, as well as determine the quantities of display stands in each available style per site).
The Contractor shall make recommendations to VA based on industry standards and an assessment of the kiosk as-is state for tablet display stand hardware.