“Atlas Research’s Chief Healthcare Transformation Officer and Senior Executive Vice President, Dr. Kenneth W. Kizer, testified before the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs on Veterans’ timely access to health care.”
“Dr. Kizer is an internationally respected health care leader who is widely known for engineering the transformation of the Veterans Healthcare System – the nation’s largest healthcare system – in the late 1990s when serving as the VA’s Undersecretary for Health.”
“In his remarks, he acknowledged that there are no industrywide standards for timely access to care, except for certain well-defined emergent situations in which time to treatment is linked to care outcomes. He stated, that ‘as a result, numerous different methods are used to assess wait times and access to care, making it difficult to understand and compare the timeliness of care across health systems and among individual providers…'”
“Dr. Kizer suggests that VA could quickly become the nation’s “gold standard for timely access to care” through taking the following measures…” Read the full press release here.
Source: Atlas Research’s Ken Kizer Testifies on Veterans’ Access to Health Care – July 26, 2019. Atlas Research.