“… Summer is the time for the annual Interoperability Standards Advisory (ISA) comment and review period. The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) needs your comments on revisions and additions you suggest we make to the current content in the ISA. We are looking for your recommendations before we take a “snapshot” of the ISA toward the end of the year. Any comments we receive will be reviewed for inclusion and the ISA will then be updated and posted on our website – referred to as the 2020 Reference Edition.”
“The ISA is a dynamic, coordinated catalog of the standards and implementation specifications that can be used to meet interoperability needs in healthcare. It continues to serve as the industry’s primary source of input on the interoperability standards that are a best fit for a particular health information technology (health IT) use case, and plays a key role in ONC’s efforts to implement the 21st Century Cures Act. Your continued feedback is critical to ensure that the ISA includes the most up-to-date and accurate state of health IT standards across the US.”
“This is the fifth year we are looking for your help to incrementally add to and update the ISA based on year-round comments and other changes to the health IT standards landscape. So far this year we have added several new components and functions to the ISA, including…” Read the full article here.
Source: Interoperability Standards Advisory: 2019 Request for Comments – By Steven Posnack, M.S., M.H.S. and Brett Andriesen, July 23, 2019. ONC “Health IT Buzz” Blog.