The primary goal of the development done under this task order is to ensure that the application product that will have scrum teams assigned for development will work the product backlog. As required, an element of the product backlog is to ensure that the product/project be modified to work within the EHRM architecture that involves the Cerner Millennium EHRM. Interface Control Documents for the Cerner Millennium program will be provided upon the initiation of a task to integrate a Health product/program into the EHRM architecture.
The Contractor shall provide project management, product management, requirements analysis/refinement, design (human centered design as appropriate), development, testing, release, warranty, integration and documentation support for projects/products within the Health Portfolio.
The Contractor shall follow an Agile Methodology and follow the Veteran-Focused Integration Process (VIP) established by the Office of Information and Technology (OI&T) Enterprise Program Management Office (EPMO).
The Contractor shall provide information assurance and cybersecurity subject matter expertise to ensure solutions are designed, developed, integrated, tested, implemented, and sustained in compliance with VA’s Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Security compliance requirements and standards.