The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has currently deployed a Logistics and Prosthetics Graphical User Interface (GUI) Overlay to Veterans Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) for users at 141 VA Medical Centers (VAMCs) and a training instance at the Veterans Affairs Acquisition Academy (VAAA). The software package provides a tiered control and implementation of standardized national, Veteran Integrated Service Network (VISN), and VAMC business rules, controls, data management and standardization required to perform the functions relating to VistA s Integrated Funds Distribution, Control Point Activity, Accounting and Procurement (IFCAP); General Inventory Package (GIP), Automated Engineering Management System/Medical Equipment Reporting System (AEMS/MERS), Prosthetics Inventory Package (PIP), Prosthetics and Sensory Aids Services (PSAS), and provides enterprise reporting and data integration services.
The VA continues to utilize the GUI product but will slowly transition to other software tools and applications to meet its Logistics and Prosthetics needs. The site-by-site migration will occur over a number of years, and the transition schedule for Above PAR (APAR) and Advanced Prosthetics Acquisition Tool (APAT) users at each site will be different.
The Contractor shall provide the associated licenses and maintenance for the Logistics and Prosthetics GUI Overlay, enterprise reporting, dashboards, and data integration software packages. The Contractor shall provide a software package, license and annual maintenance to cover labor, travel, and expenses for continuation training, maintenance, software enhancements, and required system fixes. The Contractor shall provide both remote and on-site support as required for the GUI and all updates and upgrades during the contract period.
The Contractor shall provide software licenses for the 141 VHA facilities and the VAAA utilizing the solution. Two additional sites/facilities will be added to the contract with the potential for additional sites/group to be added through optional tasks. The license coverage shall cover all the sites nationally and be based upon the VA facility size. There will be 84 Large, 26 Medium, and 33 Small facility sizes and 1 VAAA (a total of 144 sites) utilizing the GUI product.