“… Our objectives were to determine whether CMS resolved audit recommendations in a timely manner during Federal fiscal years (FYs) 2015 and 2016 and to identify all unresolved audit recommendations that were due for resolution as of September 30, 2016.”
“What OIG Found
Although CMS has made significant progress in the timely resolution of audit recommendations since our previous review, CMS did not always resolve audit recommendations in a timely manner during FYs 2015 and 2016. Specifically, CMS resolved 1,231 of the 1,371 recommendations that were outstanding during FYs 2015 and 2016. However, it did not resolve 405 of the 1,231 recommendations (32.9 percent) within the required 6-month resolution period. In addition, as of September 30, 2016, CMS had not resolved 140 audit recommendations that were past due for resolution. Some of the past-due recommendations had associated dollar amounts that totaled $138.6 million; others were procedural in nature.”
“CMS had policies and procedures to ensure that audit recommendations were resolved in compliance with Federal requirements. Although CMS did not always issue management decisions and submit the related clearance documents to OIG within the required 6-month resolution period, CMS did make progress in this respect (compared with the findings of our previous review) by significantly increasing the percentage of audit recommendations that were resolved in a timely manner and by significantly reducing both the total number and associated dollar amounts of unresolved audit recommendations that were past due for resolution…”
Source: Although the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid has Made Progress, it did not Always Resolve Audit Recommendations in Accordance with Federal Requirements – January 2019. OIG.