“Lawmakers want to re-examine the structure of the Veterans Health Administration after a report the Veterans Affairs Department Inspector General referred to it as “serious” and “disturbing.”
“In 1995, the VHA was divided into 22 regional Veteran Integrated Service Networks (VISNs), later reduced to 18…”
“But at a May 22 hearing of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, VA IG Michael Missal said that when investigating the VA medical center in Washington, D.C., his office found at least seven written reports that had reached the D.C. VISN. The reports documented many of the medical center’s supply chain and inventory management issues, but officials responsible failed to rectify the situation…”
“Carolyn Clancy, the executive currently in charge of the Veterans Health Administration, did not dispute the problems faced by certain VISNs, especially those detailed by the IG report. Instead, she focused on how the VHA is responding to the issues.”
“In particular, she said the VHA is getting a new financial management system to provide better oversight…” Read the full article here.
Source: ‘Breakdown of systems and leadership’ pushes lawmakers to examine veterans health networks – By David Thornton, May 23, 2018. Federal News Radio.