FedScoop: White House cybersecurity strategy to force large companies to make systems secure by design

mottjordan ©123RF.com

A forthcoming White House cybersecurity strategy document aims to force large companies to shoulder greater responsibility for designing secure products and to redesign digital ecosystems to be more secure, Camille Stewart Gloster, the deputy national cyber director for technology and ecosystem security, said at a CyberScoop event Thursday…

According to an early draft of the document obtained by Slate — which White House officials have emphasized is not a final document — the strategy includes a wide range of mandatory regulations on American critical infrastructure companies to improve security and authorizes law enforcement and intelligence agencies to take a more aggressive approach to hack into foreign networks to prevent attacks or retaliate after they have occurred.

The strategy document is expected to broadly abandon the mostly voluntary approach that has defined U.S. policy in recent years in favor of more comprehensive regulation… Read the full article here.


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