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Home News MeriTalk: Feds Say ROI, CFOs, Human Capital Are Keys to IT Mod Funding

MeriTalk: Feds Say ROI, CFOs, Human Capital Are Keys to IT Mod Funding

MeriTalk: Feds Say ROI, CFOs, Human Capital Are Keys to IT Mod Funding
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“The most important thing is you got to have the money,” said Drew Myklegard, deputy Federal chief information officer at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

But what is OMB looking for when it comes to funding IT modernization efforts? Myklegard said his agency looks to what will produce the greatest return on investment (ROI)…

Another way to secure IT modernization funding is to have a good working relationship with the agency chief financial officer (CFO), the panelists said…

“We’re always willing to invest in people,” Myklegard said. “It’s a slower play to get there than just like farming everything out, but the human capital and the Federal government, and training that can be done over time – we’re willing to do that and it does take money – but almost every agency has it. We just don’t see them leverage it a lot.” … Read the full article here.


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